Glaston’s Wednesday Raft

Our Village Hall will be OPEN on WEDNESDAYS from 3pm until 6:30-7pm starting on Wednesday 29th November ~ No Fee ~ Donations welcome Not obligatory
Come along for: a bit of company tea & coffee, water & squash, maybe a biscuit and if you’re lucky ~ some cake

Glaston Carol Singing

The Glaston Carol Singers will be donning their Christmas jumpers, scarves, gloves and woolly hats and hitting the streets of Glaston on Thursday, 21st December. We will meet at 6pm at the Village Hall and then wend our way around the village. We will be raising money for both a local charity (to be confirmed) and … Read more

 Minutes of the Glaston Parish Meeting          

                         Held on 23rd November 2023 at 19.00 in the V.H. 1.0 Present. Ruthven Horne, Stuart Mattock, Caroline Mattock, Anthony George , Steph Talbot, , Geoff Willson, Lynn Burdett, Anna Bussey,  Di Payne, Frank Payne, Jo Douglas, Grahame Douglas , Richard Garton, Shane Lakhani, Di Morgan, Lois Newport, Katie Lowe, Ian Balmer. 2.0 Apologies. Cllr … Read more

Glaston Gazette November 2023

So here we are . . . Autumn quickly approaching winter, another year almost passed. The year
reflects life and here in Glaston; in the Spring years of life we hear the lovely news of new babies
and Christenings in our community, children going off to school & University, and our other young residents going off to explore the world, often having done their stint washing up or waitressing in the Old Pheasant! Life’s summer months give us rainy days when times can be difficult, working days can be long and commitments tiring, and sunny days when all is good and we have reasons to celebrate. As Autumn approaches, our residents look to enjoy those golden years in our lives And finally in our Winter years, … when it is our time to pass, we each become a beautiful sparkle in the frost covered earth.

Glaston Parish Meeting      

           November 23rd – 7pm in the Village Hall Please find attached the papers for the meeting on the 23rd. It would be great to see as many people as possible there. Ian Balmer, Chairman Parish Meeting                               25th  Oct 2023 (07939543794) Glaston Parish Meeting     Meeting on 23rd Nov 2023 at 7.00pm in the Village … Read more

Glaston Gazette August 2023

Gosh where does time go? Here we are, half way through the summer already. Let’s make the most of the outdoor social events before we have to cosy it up in the autumn. I do like our seasons although the autumn months and shorter days result in some folks being more isolated in their homes. Don’t be on your own, come along and join in with village activities!

Minutes of the Glaston Parish Meeting

                         Held on 11th May 2023 at 19.00 in the V.H. 1.0 Present. Russ Horne, , Stuart Mattock, Anthony George, Judith George, Hugh Talbot, Steph Talbot, , Geoff Willson, Anna Bussey, Sue Lee, David Lee, Di Payne, Neil Johnson ,Amanda Johnson, Jo Douglas, Jo Hinman, Ian Turvey, Jill Hole, Richard Garton, Katie Lowe, Ian Balmer. … Read more

Glaston Parish Meeting      

           May 11th 7pm in the Village Hall Please find attached the papers for the meeting on the 11th. It would be great to see as many people as possible there . If you would like to consider becoming Chairman on the meeting going forward please come and let me know or indeed give me … Read more

Minutes of the Glaston Parish Meeting

Held on 24th November 2022 at 19.00 in the V.H. Russ Horne, Caroline Mattock, Stuart Mattock, Anthony George, Judith George, Hugh Talbot, Steph Talbot, Lynn Burdett, Geoff Willson, Anna Bussey, Sue Lee, David Lee, Di Morgan, Neil Johnson ,Amanda Johnson, Katie Lowe, Ian Balmer. Cllr. Andrew Brown. Alex Cross (Chairman of Village Hall )in attendance. … Read more