Health Services

Urgent Care Service

Rutland Memorial Hospital is open 8.30am- 6.30pm Monday – Friday MINOR INJURIES ONLY this service is run by Oakham Medical Practice and times are subject to slight changes. We are not a walk in for minor illnesses patients need to contact their own GP or call 111 for further advice. 

 6.30am – 9pm – Urgent Care run by DHU Healthcare – appt only via 111

Weekends/bank holidays  – also run by DHU Healthcare  for urgent care purposes.

 How to get an appointment:

  • Through your GP practice – during the week, if you are registered with a Rutland GP practice, they can make an evening or weekend appointment for you.
  • By walking in – you can walk-in without an appointment at any of the urgent care centres. Your needs will be assessed. If you need to be seen, you will be allocated the next available appointment. At busy times, this may mean your appointment is later in the day or at another centre. You may be referred to a different service, a pharmacy for example, if your needs could be treated there.
Rutland Memorial Hospital, Cold Overton Road, Oakham LE15 6NT Tel: 01572 722552

Local Doctors

Uppingham Surgery

North Gate, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9EG

Tel: 01572 82353

Local Dentists

There are a number of dentists in the local area

Click Dentist for further details

Out of Hours Dental Service Tel: NHS 111